Format: telephone number of the starting with the country telephone code without the + sign |dialog360 Messages will reach the Bot User if the Agent writes first in an existing chat
The can start a by sending an approved template, However, in 360dialog the lasts 24 hours; after this time, the message sent by the via will not reach the If there are no more than 3 buttons in the button menu, they will be sent as buttons; If there are more than 3 buttons in the button menu, they will be sent as a numbered list. WhatsApp does not have operator software
Transferring files as files from the Agent
The picture is not transmitted, the video is transmitted, the audio is transmitted as an audio file, the file is transmitted as a file for downloading
Transferring files as links from the Agent
An attempt is made to send a picture/file using a special method; if the file format via the link is not suitable, the channel will respond with a technical error message and then we will repeat sending the message but will send a link to the file/picture in plain text.
Receiving a file from the Bot User into a script
Format: file:file type|id of the transferred file| of the transferred file
Example: file:document|7b825480-9148-44a7-9454-b60d7f433e14|
Receiving geolocation from an Bot User in a Script
Delivery of messages over 1000 characters from Agent to Bot User
Mailing with Notification
Before creating a , you must do the following: 1. Create a template in 360dialog
2. Create a channel (without this the cannot be saved). Important: only one can be connected to one WABA.